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Beauté Brows is a treatment utilizing a digital machine that uses a ultra-fine flexible nano needle that implants little dots and lines onto the skin. These hairlike strokes create natural realistic fuller and thicker eyebrows. Because the single point needle is sitting 0.15mm outside of the cartilage, it is much easier to apply precise pressure to create crisp clean strokes. When the tip of the needle is dipped into the pigment, the vibration pulls the pigment down into the cartilage. The pigment is then gradually dispensed from the needle into the skin.

This technique is suitable for all skin types and causes less trauma to the skin. Since the penetration of the skin occurs with a smaller device, healing time for Beauté Brows is quicker then Microblading. Not only is the healing time faster, this treatment requires less touch-ups as the pigment lasts longer as even distribution is created during the initial treatment. 

What is the difference between Beauté Brows and Phibrows Microblading?

The main difference is the tool, Phibrows Microblading is an actual blade whereas Beauté Brows is a machine where the artist uses a single point needle to tattoo single hairstrokes into the skin. The main difference between the two is how it penetrates the skin and cuts the skin. For Beauté Brows, little dots are implanted into the skin with a single point needle, whereas for Phibrows Microblading the skin is being cut from the blade. A microblade looks like a extremely miniature exacto knife but in a row of 18 needles where it cuts the surface of the skin called the Ephidermal layer. This creates a nice single hair stroke with the microblade. As for Beauté Brows, the skin is not being punctured as much. So it is less invasive because the artist is only puncturing little dots into the skin with the correct skin depth entering the surface of the skin.


There is no real technique that is more superior then other. It is more of a preference, Beauté Brows you can tattoo any sort of skin type and it will stay – oily skin, normal skin, dry skin. As for microblading if you have normal and dry skin you will have very good clear strokes as well. 

But the difference between the two techniques is where Beauté Brows, people who are more oily there healed results will remain like hairlike strokes, maybe a little less crisp but the shape remains the same and stays longer as well.

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