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There are two types of procedures that can be performed within a PhiLings treatment – Microneedling and Phi-Ion. These can be done in combination or separately, depending on indications for the treatment.

Indications for Microneedling

Before describing the process of microneedling, first we must explane why is it important. For our organism, our skin is a periphery organ. This means that it is at the bottom of the priority list when it comes to the distribution of nourishing ingredients because tissue regeneration and vitality maintenance are far more important for internal organs. Therefore, it is very important to physically stimulate regeneration of the skin. Each micro-damage that is formed on the skin actually sends a message to the brain that it is necessary to start the natural regeneration and additional nourishment in that very spot. In that way the collagen production is greatly stimulated.

The procedure is aimed at stimulating microcirculation, thus it has also been successfully used for hair restoration in cases of non-androgenic alopecia. Micro-punctures are being inflicted by hand or by machine, depending on the size of the treated region. Microneedles penetrate the skin to the depth of 0,2 – 0,75mm and the procedure is considered to be painless. During the treatment, Microneedling cocktail is applied based on the skin type and it is subsequently absorbed. After the treatment, the client is issued with special kind of aftercare product (Ultimate Skin Cocktail) followed by detailed instruction for use. Proper aftercare products application is of great importance as these products will nourish the skin during the regeneration process.

Treatment results include:

  • skin hydration

  • skin younger looking

  • eliminates pigmentation spots

  • reduces wrinkles

  • treat acne scars

  • treat stretch marks

  • minimize pores

  • improves skin tone and texture


Results become visible 24 hours after the procedure and will last for a few months. The procedure is repeated up to three times ten to fourteen days apart. The client can practice microneedling at home as well, by using a special applicator and cocktail. A home variety of micro needling does not involve deep penetration into the skin, so this treatment can be done once a week.

Microneedling application technique:

  • Operating modes (puncture depth and frequency) in treatment of different facial areas and areas to be avoided

  • Proper use of microneedling solution

  • Direction and number of passes

  • Determining when the treatment is over

To achieve desired results, it usually takes up to 3 treatments, with 2 weeks gap between each of them. The results last from 4 to 6 months.

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