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72 hours before your procedure:

  • Be in good health

  • Avoid alcohol

  • Avoid Aspirin / Ibuprofen

One week before stop taking the following:

  • ​Vitamin E

  • B6

  • Omega 3

  • Gingko Biloba

  • St. John’s Wort - as they contribute to thinning the blood and may affect anaesthetic efficiency. You may resume taking your vitamins 72 hours after.


The following treatments are not recommended 30 days before the treatment:

  • botox and fillers

  • fruit or milk acids

  • laser treatments

  • chemical peelings

  • exposure to strong sunlight

Important Notice

  • Do NOT discontinue any prescribed medication without your doctor’s permission

  • On the day of your appointment: avoid caffeine, alcohol and exercise

  • Wash your hair in the morning as you will need to avoid the shower for several days. Baths are recommended

  • The skin must not be in the inflammatory process or the process of healing and regeneration before each treatment

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